Secret # 1 skill to develop Synergy
The fastest way to improve is to learn and practice basic skills. Basic skills such as passing, catching, shooting, dribbling and footwork, so fundamental responsibility for much cross-over success of basketball move or dribble behind his back.
When working on the promotion of basic skills you develop what I call "Skill Synergy. Skill Synergy is based on the idea that you are in a particular expertise well, more developed and more, you have no other skills are based. So with the development of individual skills that you have during the game almost twice as effective as before. Each skill is not only the work itself is a "stack" or build on other skills. This "synergy" is your game to a more advanced stage catapult and create success in basketball is much easier.
For example, if improved dribbling, it automatically becomes a better shooter. What is dribbling help you get a better feel for the ball and make you feel more comfortable with the ball. This will help you automatically become a better shooter. But the "synergy" is not all. The result is that you not only a better dribbler and shooter become better, more efficient, not to each player. Synergy began for all phases of the game filter.
The whole game you will develop fast, because you can expand each skill taught. It will go to other areas of art. Soon you will make more moves, do not shoot more, play more effectively than ever before.
Take Michael Jordan for example. All high altitude moves his acrobatic shot to the game was not completed or planned to win. Instead, they are just "naturally" happen, because he is a father only basic and applied skills Skill Synergy was not to make any spectacular shots. Remember that it the most 32 292 points disturbed mainly basic elements of jump shots and lay-ins. No Sports Center highlights of her memory. He learned the basics, then all the "fancy" moves, that they have developed from there.
If you want to improve, learn the basics and practice them. Every skill that helps you learn and you develop your game to a new level.
Secret # 2 practice the right way
One day I will be "practiced" and my coach, while in the gym and ask what I do. I said I was "practicing." Then I added, "You know, coaches that practice makes perfect."
Then he said something very powerful for me. He said: "There is no perfect practice makes perfect."
He told me, gave me great insight into what it takes to become a better player. I quickly learned how to drive and how you perform, are directly related.
perfectly through the development of habits of practice mentality, you can take your game quickly to a new level.
The wonderful thing is a perfect occupation mentality that you use at any time. If you only shoot with friends or do some strenuous exercises. Principles can and should be used at any time.
Here are my perfect practice principles:
Use to play a maximum effort to further concentrate each.
Return perfect for making a perfect cast.
Repetition is the key to improving skills.
Must practice simulation games.
Continuously analyzed your results.
Learning to use these principles. These principles will save you hours of unnecessary frustration and wasted motion. Your game is to help develop much faster you build your maximum potential.
Secret # 3 Add Variety
The great thing about basketball is that you can play alone or with others. Basketball can be played many ways. Who can help you to develop your skills in different ways.
You can be the best basketball player, it is important that you practice the game in different ways. Your skills improve and you will see faster development.
Here are some options to choose from to add your game:
Practice on your own
This is the best way to learn the basics of the game and their individual skills. You need to spend much time alone to work on some basic skills. Come and learn all the practice time and again can only be with you and the ball.
Game 1-1 to help you learn how to score well and protect against a player. 1-1 is a good way, a lot of repetition and practice is to get. This is also a good place for both skill and practice techniques for perfect synergy to use.
Many outdoor or tournament ball "road" game with the format 3-3 It gives you a great opportunity to work more to get on your game. 3 of 3 you can simulate cabinets, without the actual game runs the entire length of the floor. You can get a good development - on 1 moves and learn to play the team concept, and still a good amount of times in private.
5-5 plenary
Obviously, it is what most of the game "truth" is complex. I recommend you play much as 5 to 5 as possible. This is the best way to learn the game and the whole package of skills. It is also the best indicator of learn what you need to work and what areas you need to improve logged in, if you do not feel we value very often so you need to do perhaps some other training 1 - a 1 or a study score, pass the game on two - 2
Match 5-5 will help your condition. The most played 5-5 games plenary, others usually within a half-court setting. Once the activation of the full length of the court that you develop your skills challenge is how to add an element of fatigue. Improving your air conditioning and a little fatigue you experience your skills to more success. Make sure the skills you need to learn in a half court game in practice. Remember, you develop the conditioning to achieve maximum results when a full court game.
Secret # 4, a mentor and coach can
One of the biggest secrets to better mentors willing to learn from them.
Many people hesitate, for trainers and coaches often ask, because they will open criticism. But you can learn a lot of criticism, because if you are willing to accept. If you still want to be successful in anything, you need the right teacher and are willing to learn, be educated.
This is especially true in the game of basketball. Good coaches have many players can learn.
Another key to success is not waiting for the trainer to your area of expertise to find. Instead, be assertive and go out and find them. Regardless of the game, you are, there are many people there, you can do better. It can be a trainer, personal trainer, a nutritionist is, all have valuable information that you can become a better player a better athlete.
To the best of these provisions, you must be ready to learn, be educated. I can tell you that almost every time I spoke to a basketball coach once said that the nature of each player's "star" they have the willingness to learn and be heard.
Learning the ability of the human brain and body and process new information and extraordinary. If you want to develop your skills and the maximum height, so you have somebody to listen to the coach you to find them!
Secret No. 5, you can see all videos
Watching videos is one of the best ways I know to more and more about the game. With modern technology today, video is easy to obtain and use. I recommend you get your hands on a lot of videos so that we can learn from it.
There are many types of video to learn how. First and foremost, there are all kinds of games on television. Just to see the game tape, they several times. I personally have more than 400 games on tape. It was one of my most valuable resources. I have learned, taught and used thousands of movements that I have to watch the match again.
Another great resource is the tutorial video. There are many different bands that have made for years. Many many of the same information, but it is important to learn the essential elements.
It is a secret video that I almost refuse to disclose. I found this technique so powerful and useful because it was too good to keep secret. It is very easy but it is seldom used.
This is called introspection video. Many times a coach or parent tape the game and see they look to revive the team's performance or to protect the personal sporting moment again. This is very useful for this purpose, but not the kind of video analysis, as I speak. I'm talking record yourself when you are traveling alone.
If you only work on your game in this film. Tape and you see it. It did not take long to see what you need at work. It also allows you to see, start small adjustments to start your game and to fix it. Even small errors can produce poor habits that can negatively affect your performance lead.
I would especially like this technique if you use to record work. Shooting is almost an art. Small problems can lead to a smaller number of shots out you're doing. Muskets, belt, and then analyze. Watch if you use the right technique and form on every shot. And see what works and what does not. Watch and you'll soon see a dramatic improvement in the performance of the knee.
Secret # 6 Learn from various sources
Basketball is very popular sport. There are different kinds of books, videos, magazines and articles on learning to help you.
I recommend that you start to see and learn a lot of resources. They are all useful information can be learned from these sources be thrilled. I found some "pieces" of useful information on almost everything I read see or hear about the game.
The most successful basketball player and coach, I always know books on basketball. Read autobiographies of famous players. They called for a manual. Read books on training, motivation, books about other sports to see if they can learn about basketball and turn it to greater success. This high-level coaches and players know that all the different sources is the key to get to stay up.
I know the players all the scrapbooks of newspaper articles collected for other groups of players have. So before they play against them, they are asked to be better prepared to be achieved at the "edge" against them.
I recommend you start "Basketball-file your" collect or write all the things you find useful. You can then watch them again and again, and on your game. (Note: Press and hold the leaflet is a good place to start your new, basketball-file.)
Secret # 7 Make a better athlete
I am convinced that the development of skills go hand in hand with the development of athletics. More educated it helps you as an athlete, your skills basketball.
Most athletes will not struggle because they lack the right skills, but because the air conditioning, electric missing, needs to perform higher-level skills speed. Pro athletes often do not have anything better shooter or a player of some young players, but their athleticism separates them from others.
One of the great benefits of training to be a good athlete is that you often make a significant leap in the development of skills very quickly. Better educated than you, faster, you can learn new skills. Once you are trained to perform at maximum repetition skills, speed and conditioning of power. If you do, by nature allow you to develop your game too quickly, because your body is not holding you back with fatigue. In fact no body trained to help you succeed, because it just makes things easier and allow you to learn faster.
Let me give you an example. You say you are in a good position to shoot around 1 hour. Today, let's say you shoot 200 shots. Well, if you are in a better condition, you may be able to accommodate about 300 images. It's 100 shots on the same amount of time. It will definitely do better! In addition, at 300 shots, you get more of it, because more and educated!
See how you can grow your game on many levels simply by training your body? This can have a positive impact on all phases of the game and your development.
I recommend you start practicing to get a better athlete without delay. There are many different programs and exercise routine outdoors. Try to collect your results!
I hope these tips are very helpful. I am sure that when you start your game strategies, you will see the results you want to see very quickly.