Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do you know the origin of basketball?

The origin of the game of basketball can be traced back to back a man named Dr. James Naismith. In 1861, Naismith was born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada. In the early days at school, Naismith was a game called duck on a rock, where the child is trying to play Duck Rock the beat with a different stone tiles.
Sun Naismith, was McGill University in Montreal and later became sports director at McGill University. It is then started at the YMCA Training School-switch in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891 to play basketball.
Since Massachusetts winters Naismith needed to leisure activities, sports played in. He, skills, instead wants to develop solely on power, can be found. The first game is played with two peach baskets for goals feet.
In addition to its credit Naismith was a doctor specializing in sports physiology Presbyterian minister. Naismith was able to see the beloved basketball, sports, a consensus in various countries through the YMCA since 1893, also is a sport of basketball birth to the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. As we speak, has played basketball has become very popular professional sport ....