Saturday, August 19, 2017


Shares with us a text in which he expresses some ideas about basketball and explains why he likes it so much. It also shows four very cool images where it appears in full action. Like the rest of collaborators, many thanks for your interest. May you continue to enjoy basketball and other sports ninety or a hundred more years.

I love basketball because you play in a team and you run a lot. I started playing on the Cristo Rey team this year. My companions are very positive and cheerful.

Before a game I feel a little nervous because I'm looking forward to playing. During the match we encourage each other. On the court, the secret is to pass as fast as possible, make easy passes and put the maximum points as a team. If you can not score, it is best to pass to a partner who is free or can easily receive a pass.

After playing we are very happy although we have lost because we have had a great time, we have learned new things and we have more friends. I love basketball!
There is a saying, "A good attack wins games, but a good defense wins championships." It's a very common statement when you describe the most successful basketball teams - at any level of play. However, defense is not the priority for most players and coaches in matches. Why does that happen? For starters, when you learn to defend in basketball is not easy, but you can do it. Sadly, most players and coaches do not put much effort and time to defend on the court. Another reason why they do not focus on improving defense is because it is not as fun as other aspects of the game. Yes - throwing, throwing, passing and other offensive aspects are more enjoyed by learning, teaching and practicing them. But with the aim of being complete in all aspects of the game, players and coaches should devote a part of their time in learning the defense. It is essential to your success! The 10 criteria in the list below will help you determine if a player can be considered completely defensive.
- In the open defense and post man to man. If your coach wants you to run, retain an area, or whatever, it is your decision but in the end this takes you man to man.
- You must first develop the right defense, find out if your opponent is right or left-handed and try to place one foot and one arm forward to force him to use his weak side. If you have your hand in the middle and it happens to you, you will be in a position to steal the ball.
- You must move to where he goes so that you are aware of when he wants to pass and you use to steal the ball.
- If you decide to drive, keep your body, not your arms, between him and the basket. If you put yourself in shooting position, place your strong hand up and try to block the shot or at least distract it. If it is much higher, place your hand on your face. Jump only if he jumps because he can fuck you.
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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Learning about basketball

If you are one of those that your friends constantly invite you to watch basketball games and you have not the slightest idea of ​​what this sport is about, I recommend you read this post.
The idea of ​​writing about basketball came from the embarrassing odyssey that was to accept the invitation of a group of friends to attend a game of basketball or basketball, the truth is that the game ended and I had not even the most remote idea of ​​who won Or who lost and much less understood what was happening on the court, only saw two teams run and jump behind a ball to shoot it in a basket.

I must confess that I did not feel self-conscious until one of my friends started explaining to me in the best style of ESPN everything that happened. From that moment I decided to learn a little more about this sport, that is why today I want to share with you what I learned.
Basketball is a sport in which two teams each of five players, try to score points (baskets, doubles or triples) by introducing a ball inside a hoop that is 3.05 meters from the ground of which hangs a net that gives a Aspect of basket or basket.
The creator of this sport was the Canadian James Naismith who served as professor of physical education at the YMCA University (Springfield-USA). Naismith in 1891 wanted to create a sport that could be practiced inside the gymnasium during the winter, that's why I studied the other disciplines that were practiced there like baseball, rugby, soccer, etc., and thirteen rules of a game that today Known as basketball

How to play
It is played in a flat, rectangular court with 15 m of width and 28 m of length, the ball must be of leather or rough or synthetic skin to facilitate the grip with sweaty hands, the ball must have a pressure such that it has been released from 1 , 80 m of height, boat between 1,40 and 1,60 m of height.

Citing Wikipedia we find the following data:
Duration of a game: In FIBA, according to its rules the game is composed of four periods of 10 minutes each. In the NBA the duration of each period is 12 minutes, and in NCAA two periods of 20 minutes each are played. If the match ends with a draw between the two teams, an extra 5 minutes must be played. And so on until a team wins the game.
Players: The team presented to the party consists of a maximum of 12 players. 5 will form the initial quintet and the other 7 will be the substitutes. The coach may change players as many times as he / she wishes by taking advantage of interruptions in the game, except in the school classes until children (age 13 to 14 years) that all players of the team must play at least one period during the first three, In the last make substitutions.
Start of the game: A player of each team must be placed inside the center circle with one foot near the line dividing the field of play into two halves, each placed in his field. The other players must be outside the circle. The referee throws the ball up from the center of the circle and the two players jump vertically to try to deflect it, without catching it, towards a teammate.
Referees: For most competitions two referees are the ones in charge of running the match (although for many professional leagues there are three and for others with very low budget one).
Scoreboard: The scorer's table (scorer, scorer's assistant, timekeeper, 24-hour rule operator, if any, commissary) controls all match events (scoring, downtime, play time, fouls, changes , Etc.) and elaborates the record of the party.

Let's get hot, let's play Basketball.
There are movements considered fundamental as they are: the boat, the pass, the shot and the defensive movements.
The pass is the action by which the players of the same team exchange the ball, there are different types: chest, chopped, baseball, bowling, behind the back, above the head, Alley- oop, with The elbow, hand to hand, etc.
Shooting a basket is an action in which the player tries to introduce the ball into the ring, there are several types: Suspension, free, tray or double step, matt or overturned, hook.
Dribble or Dribble, which consists of the player pushing the ball against the ground and returns to his hand, the existing types are: control, protection and speed.
This defense is performed between the person attacking and the hoop, the defensive position is based on flexing the knees and making lateral movements attempted to steal the ball or to avoid the action of pass, shot or basket.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Manute Bol

Next is Bol Manute with a height of 231 cm. The man who was born on October 16, 1962 in Sudan is known as a basketball player who is expert in blocking shots from opposing teams.

Even based on his notes in every game, he's blocking more shots than making or scoring in matches.  (mir)

How to Perform Basketball Tricks

While basics of basketball are essential, performing a variety of basketball tricks (not street basketball) can make it much easier to win the game or surpass a defender. In addition, the visibility of the movements is what attracts many people to the parties.

- Dribble the ball with your right hand. Then, when the ball returns to your hand, bounce it to your left hand.
- Let the ball bounce to your left hand and begin to dribble it with that hand.
- Dribbles the ball with the right hand
- When the ball is about to reach your hand, move your hand in such a way that you touch the ball not at the top, but more to the side opposite you and to the right. The ball should be closer to your palm and your arm than usual.
- The moment the ball touches your hand, pivot with your left leg and turn your right leg 180 degrees clockwise. Your torso must follow this path, including your arms. The ball must move in your hand without escaping.
- When your right leg touches the ground, begin to dribble the ball.
- If you do it correctly, it will have to be a fluid movement and should not be considered an illegal advance.
- Continue practicing this movement and increase the degrees of rotation until you reach 360.
- When the ball is about to reach your hand, move your hand in such a way that you touch the ball not at the top, but more to the side opposite you and to the right. The ball should be closer to your palm and your arm than usual.
- The moment the ball reaches your hand, turn your arm clockwise around your body with the ball still in your hand. You may have to hold the ball with your hand slightly below it, but not enough to be an illegal breakthrough.
- When the ball is near your left hip, you should naturally head forward, away from your fingers and bounce in front of you.
- Dribble the ball with your left or right hand, which is more comfortable, then throw the ball under your knee flexed and catch it with the other hand.
- Hold the ball with 4 fingers, not with the thumb. Hold it over your head and quickly throw it and score. This is the best way to deal with difficult locks.  (mir)

Thursday, August 3, 2017

How to play basketball

Are you interested in being a better basketball player? If you are a beginner or if you just hope to get off the bench and join the game, there are ways to improve your techniques in basketball. After all, even the most competitive of players trains the best they can every day! Try to develop your resistance or learn to dribble more easily and you will be well on your way to the NBA.

Use the correct posture to dribble. To keep you moving you should bend your knees, place them at the level of your shoulders and lean slightly forward on the toes of your feet. Do not stand with your feet flat on the floor and your knees extended. When dribbling, throw the ball to a height no greater than your waist. In a defensive posture, the ball should be no higher than your knees or mid-thigh.
Learn to dribble with each hand. When you first begin, you will need to understand how the ball moves and responds to the force you put into it. Also, we recommend exercising with each hand separately to feel comfortable going to the right and left. It alternates bouncing it with much force and soon with gently.

A good exercise to dribble with which you can start is to do it 20 times in a row with the right hand and then with the left. Do three sets at the beginning of a basketball routine and three more at the end.
At first, stand still, but keep your knees bent and jump with your toes to keep you moving. When you get used to dribbling in a fixed position, do the same exercise while walking and finally, when you get used to it, do it while you run.

Alternate your hands when you are moving. Start dribbling on the court or on the road in a zig zag pattern: go forward and right in two steps and shoot the ball with your left hand, then go forward and left in two steps. When you do, do the same in reverse.

Place a row of cones 5 m apart in a straight line to practice the dribble.
Keep your eyes up. One of the most important points to learn in the early stages of the dribble is to do it without looking at the ball. At first it is difficult, but in the long run you will need to feel the ball without having to see it. Choose a point (such as the hoop of a basketball basket) in which to fix your sight as you begin to dribble and practice your exercises.

Shawn Bradley

Tallest basketball player in the world Shawn Bradley onwards that with a height of about 229 cm. He is one of basketball athletes with dual nationality, where he is known to have been born in Germany and grew up in Castle Valley, Utah, United States.

More or less the same as Chuck Nevitt, due to high stature, a man born on March 22, 1972 is played in the middle position. Equipment has always defended including the Philadelphia 76ers, New Jersey Nets and the Dallas Mavericks.  (mir).

How to dribble a basketball

When you see an NBA player getting rid of a defender with a dribble between his legs, or behind his back at incredible speed, you're seeing the result of years of patient practice. If you are a beginner, even the simplest of dribbles can be intimidating at first. Fortunately, with patience, anyone can become a good ball driver. To learn from scratch you have to put a lot of dedication, but with this guide (and lots of practice), you can eventually dribble the opponents.
Touch the ball with your fingertips, not your palms. When you dribble, you will want your hands to be in contact with the ball in a way that allows you to have good control over the ball without using too much arm force to bounce it. For this reason, do not hit the ball with your palms. Instead, try to handle the ball with your fingertips. Extend your fingers on the surface of the balloon to have a greater and more even contact area.
Keep your posture low. When you dribble, it is not very smart to stand erect. In this pose, the ball has to travel all the way from the top of your body to the ground and back up when it bounces, leaving it exposed for a defender to steal. Before starting to dribble, take a low and defensive posture. Open your feet at shoulder height. Bend your knees and release your hip slightly back (as if you were sitting in a chair). Keep your head up and your upper body upright. This is a good balanced base, as it protects the ball while allowing enough mobility.

Bounce the ball to the ground. Manipulate the ball with your fingertips, keep it in your clever hand and make it bounce against the ground. Rub it firmly, but not so much that you have to use your arm strength or it causes ball control problems. Your dribble must be fast, but still, firm and controlled. Each time the ball returns to your hand, without grabbing or catching it, make contact with your fingertips and push it back down with a controlled wrist and forearm motion. Again, you should not tire your arm while you dribble. The ball must bounce at a point on the ground at your side and forward of the foot line on the side of the hand that is dribbling.
Keep your hand on the top of the ball. When dribbling, it is important to control the movements of the ball. You do not want to escape, as this would give the opponents possession of the ball. Try to keep the palm of your hand well on the ball while you move so when it bounces upward, it will go directly to the tip of your fingers. This will give you more control over the ball as you move on the court.
Keep the ball at a low height. The shorter and faster you bounce the ball, the harder it is for your opponent to steal it. A safe way to bounce the ball short is to simply bounce it close to the ground. Since you are in the low posture (with your knees bent and your hips pulled back), it should not be unnatural to bounce from the apex to any point between your knee and your hip. Keep your knees bent, drop your skillful hand to the side of your leg and dribble with low and short movements.